

Protect embedded flipbooks

When we embed flipbooks on an internal company website or a private section of a website only accessible to registered users, we might want to ensure it can't be published anywhere else. We can do that by protecting the embedded flipbooks.

How to password protect a flipbook

Depending on the type of flipbook we are publishing, we often might want to make sure the flipbook is private and only some specific people can view it. We will see on this guide how easy it is to password-protect a flipbook.

Share on social networks

Social networks are a great way to interact with your audience, and you can of course share your flipbooks too. With heyzine, you can even customize how they will look when you post them.

Send a flipbook by email

Either if you have a newsletter, a subscriptor or a contact list, sending your publication as a flipbook by email is usually one of the best options.